Wednesday, March 31, 2010

a sentence.

In case your wondering why i decided to write this unfortunately long sentence, i would like you to know that i am writing it because people who write long sentences are usually universally perceived as people with intelligence that is slightly higher than that of the average human being and i would simply like to prove that i might just not be as stupid as the average human being, not that their THAT stupid, but because they are just so 'normal', AND also to annoy whoever is reading this sentence filled with way more conjunctions than one would appreciate, simply because you took the trouble to read this unfortunately long pointless sentence that i just wrote, and also to give the memory section of your mind some practice while your trying to remember the first clause of this sentence, by the time you reach the last one since i do not really remember the 1st one and i am not sure if the sentence is still whole, or if it got lost somewhere on the way to that point when this torture finally ends, even though that seems highly unlikely right now.

1 comment:

Farzeen said... it!!

n jz btw, gramatical error-5th line-its they're, not their! :P

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