I don’t know how you do it, but when I get tired of being awesome, I become my silly self. If you don’t have a silly side, then there’s something wrong. When I say ‘silly’, I don’t mean i-cracked-a-joke-and-im-cool, I mean im-gonna-act-dumb/mad/disgusting/annoying-no-matter-what-you-think. I write in this blog when I feel like that. PLEASE don’t refer to any post or the blog itself as ‘random’. That word is used waaay too much.
Case 1
Babli: …and then she was like ‘what would u think if…’
Pinky: Aye look, a dragonfly!
Babli: OMG so random!
Case 2
www.facebook/babli’s profile/info
Bio: dance is ma passion n partying n being krazZzZy hyper n totally random…
Case 3
…Is for homework.
1) Type the word ‘random’ is the search bar of various social networking sites. Make a statistical presentation on the use of the word in posts by friends.
2) Make a collage of album covers with the words ‘random’ in its title. Improv of the word included.
3) Write an essay of your 10 favourite groups, pages or communities with the word ‘random’ in its title
Submission is not necessary, but do it anyway.
Coming back to the point, (there isn’t one) I’d like to say that I don’t hate the word ‘random’. It has a meaning… and feelings.